This blog contains the literature reviews, political rants, and literary doings of Steven Wittenberg Gordon, the Editor-in-Chief of Songs of Eretz Poetry Review.

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Review of Superfood Swap by Dawn Jackson Blatner

One of my favorite things to do is to snuggle up on the couch with my wife and/or children and/or dog and munch away on a heaping bowl of high-fat snacks while watching a weight loss reality program on television.  The irony is just too delicious.

Recently, in the aforesaid manner, I watched My Diet Is Better Than Yours on ABC.  The winner, a plucky young lady with about 100 pounds to lose, followed the Superfood Swap diet.  The diet really sang to me.  So, when my wife ordered the complete starter kit, Superfood Swap by Dawn Jackson Blatner, RDN, I decided to read it.  It is more of a magazine than a book and about fifty pages in length.

Blatner boils down (pun intended) her weight loss program into three steps, which one is required to go through before preparing every meal.  

Step one is to ask oneself, "What do I need?"  Last night, the answer was, "I need a cheesy pizza."

Step two is "balance."  One tries to envision the coming meal as made up of 50% vegetables with a little healthy fat or dressing, 25% protein, and 25% whole grain/high fiber carbohydrates.  One must also remember portion sizes.  I envisioned a small cheesy pizza with no meat toppings.

Step three is the "swap."  Blatner stresses avoiding C.R.A.P., which I prefer to think of as P.A.R.C.:  preservatives, additives, refined sugar and starch, and chemicals.  I envisioned a bunch of little "pizzas" that I would create using high fiber English muffins for the crust; a chunky, low-fat tomato sauce kicked up with some dried oregano and drizzle of olive oil; and two or three low-fat mozzarella balls per crust.

I ate five of my little "pizzas" and did not gain weight!  On days that I make better swaps, I have lost weight--ten pounds in my first two weeks so far!  Another twenty-five pounds of loss will cut my risk for diabetes in half.  Take that, diabetes!

One fascinating aspect of Blatner's advice is that she admits that exercise plays just about no role at all in weight loss.  She cites "tough love" statistics that show that thirty minutes of exercise six times a week--about two to two and half more hours of exercise than I usually do--is good for disease prevention only.  Exercise "only" that much, and you will continue to gain weight.  That is depressing!  Double that amount of exercise to maintain a weight loss, and triple--yes, triple--that amount of exercise to get a slight "weight loss boost."

It is too early for me to recommend Superfood Swap definitively, but I appear to be disappearing at a good pace so far.  One word of caution--the book is ridiculously overpriced at $69.00 (my wife wisely did not tell me the price beforehand or you would not be reading this review).  The book may be purchased at www.DawnJacksonBlatner.com.  However, I would advise waiting until the price goes down before doing so.